While one essentially writes to appease their own writing appetite but there comes along these beautiful souls who read your musings and find them worthy enough to be complimented with awards. This page is essentially to show my gratitude to these wonderful souls and how much it means to me when they shower their love and affection through these wonderful awards. I’m truly indebted to them for their sweet gesture.

I’m also grateful to all those other beautiful souls who take the time out to wander around here, read my musings and express their appreciation through likes, comments or being a follower. I thank each one of you from the bottom of my heart for being here and unravel the world through my eyes and lazy fingers.

Believe it or not, my heart swells every time I see a new follower, like, comment or an award nomination. I become that kid in the candy store, who after eating all the candies only does cartwheels. :-)

And now after the acceptance speech, moving on to the awards: :-)

  • The very first award nomination I received was for the “Blog of the year 2012” by Mridula. I did write a post about it and you can read all about it here. Mridula is a storyteller. She weaves these wonderful short stories and gets you all caught up in their lives as if you were the one experiencing it. Go ahead and read more of her over here.
  • It was another feather in the cap when I got nominated for the “REALITY” Award. This time it was Sapna who did the honors for me and am ever so grateful for her generosity. I stumbled upon Sapna’s blog and decided to stay for the variety of her posts. She does interviews, book reviews, shares her food recipes and her passion for music and songs. She is one of those “All in One” bloggers around here. Catch up on the latest she’s been up to over here.
  • Well, third time’s a charm. It showered awards on my space with not one but two. I got nominated for “Shine On” and “One Lovely Blog” by none other than the Queen of Poetry, Soumya. I’m yet to come across anyone so versatile in their poetry and in every piece she puts across her heart. You can feel the emotions through her words and her creativity just amazes me. I’m more than honored to be nominated by her and even thankful for her wonderful comments she leaves at my space. You really shouldn’t be missing out on her poems because they speak volumes. Check them out now over here.

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