Wordless Wednesday: The Setting Sun!


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AAA – Challenge!


A for Aeroplane.. This is the first thing that came to my mind. Maybe because we travelled to Big Island, Hawaii recently and got to see the plane from so close for the first time. Partly due to the fact that the Big Island airport is really small and you see the planes landing and taking off right in front of you. So took a few shots.


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** For the AAA Challenge.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Companionable!


They say life is all about the company one keeps. While some bonds are enforced, others naturally evolve over time. With some you share all your joys and sorrows whilst others barely know you. It’s this extreme contrast that defines the longevity of any relationship.

But above all them, exists a bond so pure and full of unconditional love. A true companion for life – Parent and child.

Until you become a parent you don’t realize the huge responsibility that falls on your shoulders to raise another human being. And until a child grows up, doesn’t realize that no matter how old you get you can always count on your parents. A child blossoms under the parents’ guidance and parents pride in their child’s success. Life comes a full circle in the end.


And as much as I love my family and shine in their company, I also love being in the company of the ocean waves and the setting sun. Something so serene about it that it calms me down instantly. If this isn’t companionable then what is?



** For the Weekly Photo Challenge: Companionable.


The Weekend That Was!


There must be some truth in the fact that the place where you live is often times the most unexplored area or so I think. I’ve spent unlimited hours on the internet looking for “things to do” for all our past vacations. But in these last 8 years I’ve lived in Bay Area I never bothered to look for things to do here. Covering all the touristy spots made me feel I knew this place already. Until I was proven wrong and naïve this weekend when we landed in Mt. Diablo State Park, in close proximity to where we stay. Thanks to Super Moon and Google which directed me here for being the best nearby place to view the moon in all its grandiosity. I was in complete awe of the panoramic views of the Bay Area. So breathtakingly beautiful, especially the windmills. And even more captivating was the sunset in one direction while the moon rise in the other. Here are some pics of the tons and tons of pics we ended up taking. And needless to say that we are planning our next trip soon only this time it would be to camp in one of their campgrounds and view the sunset and gaze at the stars in the night. :-)












Weekly Photo Challenge: The World Through My Eyes!


The world through my eyes is mostly a bird’s-eye view while our plane hovers over Maui, making its way to Big island in Hawaii, where we went for a vacation few weeks back.










**  For the Weekly Photo Challenge: The World Through Your Eyes

Back.. Back.. Back.. Yeah!



Well, to be honest, it’s been almost two months since I got back from my really long and relaxing vacation but by the time I settled in, after all the unpacking and jet lag, it was time for another vacation, a very short one though.. Finally, I’m here with no plans to go anywhere for a long long time.. :-) And with lots of photos to share and stories to tell, one post at a time!

Also, many thanks to these soulful blogfriends (Soumya, Gege, Carolyn, Neenslewy, Myspokenheart) who thought of me while I was away and nominated me for awards. Very sweet and gracious of you all.. :-)  [** If I’ve missed anyone, it isn’t intentional, just that I’m still sorting all the pending comments and will be replying to them soon so please bear with me.]

As much as I enjoyed my time away, I’ve been itching to get back here and see all the updates. Can’t wait to read all the lovely posts I missed. So see you on your space soon.. :-)

Leaving on a jet plane!



All my bags are packed… I’m ready to go…

It’s that time of the year when we go on an annual vacation. It isn’t to any extra ordinary place (although to me it is the best place in the world) but just back home to our parents. And this time around I’m going for a longer duration. Well, I figured I have the time and the opportunity so why not.  However, this means my presence here will be very limited and I won’t be reading or commenting on your lovely posts as often as I’d like but promise to come back rejuvenated in a few weeks. :-)

Until we connect again, keep writing/reading and stay happy. See you on the other side of my break :-) Also, a very Happy Valentine’s Day to all the lovey dovey souls out there.. :-)


PS: Earlier I wasn’t going to post this but then thought I should let those few wonderful souls know who might wonder about my disappearance from here.


* Pic is from the net.

Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Black & White!


This week Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge is to show off a few photographs of Black and White or Sepia toned photographs.

I choose to showcase the prominent landmarks in Washington, D.C. A quick history lesson of sorts! :-)

Capitol Building

Capitol Building

Capitol Building

Capitol Building

White House

White House

Supreme Court

Supreme Court

Supreme Court

Supreme Court

Washington Monument

Washington Monument

Washington Monument

Washington Monument

The Treasury Department

The Treasury Department

Library of Congress

Library of Congress

Library of Congress

Library of Congress

Friday Fictioneers!


Every week Rochelle posts a pic and encourages everyone to write a 100 word story based on it. The photo prompt for this week is:

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(100 Words)

Antilia was a sore loser so winning was her addiction. Be it academics or sports, she outshone herself. The winning streak continued even when she started swimming, crushing her opponents in a heartbeat each time.

However, her recent poor performances at the state level sealed her fate. While everyone saw 15 glorious years, she was devastated by her defeat.

Last night, inebriated, she jumped off the diving board and the water turned red soon after. Her intention wasn’t to die but then she wasn’t living either.

Like I said, she was a sore loser. And winning was her only addiction.


PS: This is one of those photo prompts where my story has no clear link with the pic but this is all I could think of.. :-) For all other interpretations of this pic, please click here.

For The Love Of Haiku 22!



Hop, skip, slide and swing

Be impish to heart’s content

Childhood Innocence


The world’s their playground

With no logic or convention

Child’s sanctuary


Laughter all around

In their loud, mighty empire

Youthful explosion


* Written for the Love of Haiku.